The Yakadanda Blog discusses everything you need to know about running your online Functional Medicine practice business and the blog highlights the most important ideas and tools you will need to get there.
CMS Lifts HIPAA Requirements for Telehealth During COVID-19 Crisis - An Investment Opportunity

CMS Lifts HIPAA Requirements for Telehealth During COVID-19 Crisis – An Investment Opportunity

The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has issued a broad waiver for hospitals and healthcare professionals in the USA allowing telehealth services with some limitations. There is a link at the bottom of the post to download bulletin from HHS

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The Coronavirus Opportunity - A Functional Perspective

The Coronavirus Opportunity – A Functional Perspective

I should preface this Coronavirus article with the somewhat crass term ‘opportunity’ given the situation. However, the opportunity to educate your audience and build yourself a platform of programs and services to offer your customers is an opportunity for good! Whilst it will more than likely be the role of traditional medicine to create a vaccine for the Coronavirus, there can be some valuable lessons for governments of the world with one the key tenets of Functional Medicine movement – that of preventative medicine.

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The Trinity of Great SEO For Medical Practices – Analytics, Webmaster Tools and Keyword Tool

Great SEO content starts and ends at the research core. If you don’t know how to flourish your articles and content with the SEO keyphrases then you will miss out on valuable traffic. So we are going to go through your the three main ingredients you need to write great articles, that attract the audience you are looking to come to your site and medical practice.

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Creating a SEO Rich WordPress Post

Episode 1: Creating an SEO Rich WordPress Post

When thinking about writing an SEO Rich post on your WordPress Blog, you want to first think about your title and first paragraph. Let’s call this your marketing paragraph. It should be set up to explain exactly what the article is about. In this case, we are talking about creating a WordPress blog post which will be SEO Rich.

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