PPC Marketing Campaigns

We manage Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaigns through Google Ads for both local and international PPC campaigns. Talk to us about our PPC Services. Note: Pricing does not include your PPC budget.

PPC Marketing Campaigns

PPC Marketing Campaigns

Using Google Ads (previously AdWords) campaign is an ad campaign within an Google Ads account. … Each ad group serves different ad texts based on the type of keyword a user may type into Google’s search engine.

Google Maps Ads

Google Maps Ads

Advertising on Google Maps with Yakadanda is easy and included in all our local plans We simply create a listing on Google My Business, connect it to your Google Ads (previously AdWords) account, and enable location extensions.

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Our Ten Steps to Successful PPC Marketing Campaigns

Step #1: Go to the Google Ads Website

Go to https://ads.google.com. You will then see, “Get Started Now.” Click on that and sign up for your Google Ads account. (with your Google Email Address)

Then Supply Yakadanda with;

  • Account Email:
  • Account Username:
  • Account Password:

Step #2: I will Add Yakadanda INC as Manager (Myself)

We will add our account to your sub accounts (manager)  Adwords Profile. This way, if you ever decide to manage this yourself or find another manager, we can be removed without you losing you settings and ads.

Step #3: Creating a Campaign

We will create a Search Campaign. We will choose a name that has to do with the product or service you will be advertising.

No Adwords Campaigns will start at this stage – they will all be paused until you give Yakadanda the go-ahead

Step #4: Select Ad Display Location

We will have many options when it comes to people’s locations.

If you are only advertising to come into your clinic we will choose a select group of suburbs around your area.

Step #5: Set Your Daily Budget

We will at first set low daily budgets and see how keywords and phrases are performing.

This allows us to start slowly, gather data, and then expand what’s working and what isn’t once we are more familiar with your campaigns.

We will contact you when it is time to add your credit cards. 

Payments: You will link your account to your credit card or bank account and the money is automatically paid at a specific date and time.

Step #6: Add Keywords

The inclination is to add as many keywords as possible that you think are relevant for your business.  

This is exactly what Google wants you to do because then you’ll spend more money.

But this is the opposite of what we will do!

Instead, we will focus only on what we call the ‘hit’ keywords.

These are the keywords where there is no doubt that the person searching the keyword is looking for exactly what you offer.

There may only be a handful of these ‘hit’ keywords and that’s OK.  

We don’t add any keywords where there is any doubt the searcher may not be looking for your services.

This may mean limiting what we offer in terms of clicks but maximizing the efficiency of investment returns


Step #7: Create an Ad

We create an ad that will attract your prospects and make them click to go to your website.

Prospects are much more likely to click on an ad that has the keyword they used in Google’s search bar. 

After the headlines, you can move on to the ad description.

Focusing on the key benefits of your services, describing your offer if you have one, and ending with a strong call to action.

Step #8: Landing Pages

We recommend sending people to a landing page that is created to specifically match our ads.

By doing this, we are ensuring that the information in the ad is reflected on the landing page, which will lead to stronger conversions.

People often make the mistake of setting up an ad that advertises a service and then sending them to their homepage that never mentions this service or is found down the page.

This only leads to frustration on the part of your prospect. A landing page should be highly targeted for the keyword phrase you used in your ad.

Step #9: Setting Up Conversion Tracking

This last step is to set up all the appropriate conversion tracking for your business.  

Google gives you the following options:

  • Webform leads (ex. quote requests)
  • E-commerce orders (ex. orders from your online shopping cart)
  • Calls from ads (ex. phone calls from the number displayed on your ads)
  • Calls from the website (ex. phone calls from the number displayed on your website)
  • Imports from sales that occur off of the internet

We will set up all the appropriate conversion tracking options before we turn the ads on.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to measure the success of your ads!

Step #10: Tracking, Adjusting and Conquering Effective Campaigns

As your ads run, keep an eye on the analytics.

You’ll be able to see what is working and what isn’t working.

As you pay attention to what your ads do, you’ll be able to get closer to what will give you the best results.

When you’ve figured out which ads your consumers click on the most, you can create similar ones for higher cost-per-click keywords.

This will help you increase your ROI.

Once we dive in, we’ll start to learn more about what works for your campaigns and that Google Ads can be a great way to advertise your business.

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If you would like to know more about our functional medical practitioner website design, call (305) 766-6210 today or complete the from by clicking the button

Yakadanda Optional Add Ons
  • WooCommerce
    $100 P/M
    With WooCommerce you can sell digital and physical products directly from your website and have them shipped and tracked via a range of shipping companies including UPS, Fedex, USPS and more.
  • Recurring Products
    Recurring Products
    $25 P/M
    If you would like a range of physical or digital items to have subscription pricing (customers can buy your products on a recurring basis) then this add-on is for you. There is a limitation on what type of payment gateways support recurring payments, however all major payment gateways are supported.
  • Online Courses
    Online Courses
    $50 P/M
    With online courses you can create & sell courses, manage users, download reports, and so much more! By selling online courses digitally - you have access to the latest e-learning industry trends for creating robust learning experiences.
  • Modern Events Calendar Pro
    Modern Events Calendar Pro
    $20 P/M
    Manage your events in the fastest, easiest & most modern way with the best WordPress event calendar plugin. Modern Events Calendar is integrated with most of the popular third party tools
  • Google Search Console
    Google Search Console Monitoring and Reports
    $100 P/M
    GMT or Google Search Console is a Google service that helps us evaluate and maintain your website's performance in Google search results. It is perhaps your practitioner websites best tool to optimize performance.
  • My Business Listings
    Reputation Management
    $250 P/M
    Your practice’s online reputation is vital to retain and attract new patients. Managing and monitoring your Google Business Listings and Doctor Review websites for your practice and ensuring your medical practices the tools and knowhow to boost local listing revenue.
  • PPC Marketing Campaigns
    PPC Marketing Campaigns
    $250 P/M
    We manage Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaigns through Google Adwords for both local and international PPC campaigns. Talk to us about our PPC Services. Pricing does not include your PPC budget
  • Medical Practice Content Consulting
    Content Consulting
    $350 P/M
    With Yakadanda's extensive online content research tools and historical data, we can work with you and your team to create a content detail map for use in content, social and business listing data, so that your ideal patients come to you
Contact Medical Practitioner Web Design​

Contact Yakadanda Today!

If you would like to know more about our functional medical practitioner website design, call (305) 766-6210 today or complete the from by clicking the button