Yakadanda has spent the past few months upgrading all of our WordPress websites to SSL / HTTPS. This was done for a few important reasons. Firstly, we wanted to make sure all of our client’s websites were more secure. Secondly, Way back in 2014 Google announced a call to arms for all online businesses for HTTPS to be used by every website on the web. Google has three major reasons for this that all come around to overseeing a more secure Internet.
SSL for a More Secure Website
HTTPS, the secure protocol for the Internet, it also safeguards your visitors by creating encrypted connections between your visitors and your site, protecting your visitors’ privacy and the data they share with you over the internet.
Fast Results
On all of our websites, HTTPS also automatically enables HTTP/2 (the latest hypertext transfer protocol), which improves your website’s load times and efficiency
Improved SEO
By enabling HTTPS with SSL certificates, you can also expect better Google search engine rankings, since HTTPS is used as a ranking signal by Google. Google also now publishes a warning if the site is not secure. This would mean my customers could lose visitors to their websites.
HIPAA Compliance
More and more of our Functional Medicine & Integrative Medicine Clients require their forms and customer interactions to be HIPAA Compliant. By adding SSL and HTTPS to all of our Functional Medicine clients websites are secure and comply with HIPAA.