You have something to say and can’t wait to get it out in the blogosphere. Raka and Bitly have got together and done some data crunching to showcase just what is the best time of day to send those Tweets and add to your Facebook, Google+ profiles for maximum results. It is worth a look and possibly a change of pushing practice!
Yes, the message and content are still of the utmost importance but so is timing. Just like with sending out email campaigns, timing is of the essence. You do not want a mailing campaign going out before anyone gets to work. They are more than likely to arrive and open their email with 20 or 30 messages, and you do not want to be a part of that group. Always post fresh news articles after 8.30am and preferably between 9 am and 2 pm.
From Raka: There are few resources better than URL shortener bitly for monitoring click-through rates for content shared on Facebook and Twitter. So when bitly released a report last month telling us all the best time to tweet or post to Facebook for click-throughs, we listened. And then we created an infographic.
This handy infographic highlights bitly’s data on the best times to share content on Twitter or Facebook if you’re looking to drive traffic to your site (or any site). Bitly found the best times to tweet for click-throughs are early afternoon Monday – Thursday, while Facebook content posted Wednesday at 3 p.m. generates the highest click-through rates, according to bitly’s data.
But why read words when you can look at pictures? Here’s the best-time-to-tweet-or-post-to-Facebook infographic created by digital agency Raka with data provided by bitly: